LIV BONA DEA INTERNATIONAL HOSPITAL Azerbaijan I. Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Symposium
Date: 12 March 2023 – Sunday Address : Liv Bona Dea International Hospital, Meeting Hall, Floor: 6, 2 Mehdi Abbasov, Baku 1060. 09:00 – 09:15 Opening speeches Minute of silence and meeting opening remarks Meri İSTİROTİ - General Coordinator of LIV…
Assoc. Prof. MD. Eymen Gazel Urology
Urooncological Surgery (Prostate, kidney, bladder, testicular cancers)
Robotic / Laparoscopic Surgery
Endourology (Urinary System Stone Diseases)
Laser Prostate Surgery (HoLEP/ThuFLEP)
Hacettepe Faculty of Medicine / 2002-2008
Turkey High Specialization Hospital / 2009-2015
Konya Training and Research Hospital / 2015- 2017
Acıbadem Ankara Hospital / 2017-2022
Assoc. Prof. Hamdullah Sözen, MD - Gynecology and Obstetrics Birth Date: 01.01.1981 Antalya Main Branch: Obstetrics and Gynecology Sub Branch: Gynecologic Oncology Medical Interests: • Gynecological Cancers (Ovarian-Endometrial-Cervical Cancers) • Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery • Cervical Pathologies/ Colposcopy Education: • Akdeniz University Medical Faculty 1999-2005 • Zeynep Kamil Training Hospital Obstetrics and Gynecology 2005-2011 • İstanbul…
Prof. Çağatay Saim Tezel, MD - Chest Surgery I was born in 1975, Istanbul. I am married and have two children. My education and training life passed in Ankara. I graduated from Ankara Medical Faculty in 1999. I completed my specialization training at Heybeliada Sanatorium and became a Thoracic Surgery Specialist in 2014. During this…
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Cem Dural, MD - General Surgery - Dr. Instructor Member Bahar Canbay, - Prof. Dr. Koray Karabulut (Optional - Pancreas Neuroendocrine), - Assoc. Dr. Emre Sivrikoz (Optional - GIS Neuroendocrine), * Can teach certain theoretical courses in Endocrinology, Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (Optional). Assoc. Prof. Ahmet Cem Dural, MD was born in…
Assoc. Prof. Muhittin Emre Altunrende, MD - Neurosurgery Assoc. Prof. M. Emre Altunrende, MD was born in 1974. He completed his secondary education at Sivas Congress High School. After graduating from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 1997, he started his specialization in Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Neurosurgery Clinic. After becoming a specialist…
Asst. Prof. Belma Doğan Güngen, MD - Neurology Headache. Dizziness and Balance Disorders. Cerebrovascular Diseases. Movement Disorders (Parkinson Disease etc.) Multiple Sclerosis. Epilepsy. Dementia (Alzheimer Disease). Electrophysiology (EMG-EEGUsleep Laboratory). Sleep. Certification Courses:EEG AND EMG Applied Training. Sleep Disorders -Polysomnagraphy Training. YNSA (microsystem scalp acupuncture) Certification Training. ACUPUNCTURE. Certification Trainings in Nutrition and Health. Harvard Medical…
Prof. Erdal Karaoz, MD - Genetic Having completed his university education at Dicle University in 1986, Erdal Karaöz, MD completed his "PhD" education in Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Histology and Embryology in 1994. "Associate Professor" in 1996 and "Prof." got their titles. Working in the field of "Stem Cell, Tissue Engineering and…
Prof. Kader Keskinbora, MD - Pain Clinic (Algology) She graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Medicine in 1990. In 2000, she received his specialization training at the Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation at IU Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. Until 2013, she worked as a pain specialist in the Algology Department of the same faculty. She…
Prof. Ahmet Özkara, MD - Cardiovascular Surgery Medical Interests and Activities • Arterial revascularization in coronary bypass surgery • Mitral valve repairs • Aortic valve repairs • Great Artery Surgery • Congenital Heart Surgery Institutions where he worked and received training • Liv Hospital / Cardiovascular Surgery Department (2013-) • Florence Nightingale Hospital Cardiovascular Surgery…